Photo Display:Beauty in HBU & NCI

更新时间: 2019-12-28 11:49:00     作者:vncvnc     点击量:379

On November 15, 2019, Nation College of Ireland and Hebei University jointly held a photo display of Beauty in HBU&NCI. This event aims to celebrate the achievements in the joint programme and continue to strengthen cultural exchanges, deepen our friendship, giving new impetus into the development of our cooperation.

The Irish delegation of Pro. James Hill, NCI Vice President, Dr. Tony Jie, ACEIreland Managing Director, Ms. Harriet Le Good, NCI Regional Manager (Far East), and Ms. Suzie Wu was invited to attend this event and welcomed by Dr. Meng Qingyu, HBU Vice President, Mr. Li Xiaoliu, HBU Director of International Cooperation Department, Mr. Zhang Feng, HBU Director of Academic Affair Office, Mr. Jin Shengyong, HBU Deputy Dean of School of Management, Mr. Zhao Lintao, HBU Party Secretary of School of Management.

Works exhibited were from students of the two schools and voted by the programme faculty staff and students to choose the best 10 works for exhibition. The Top 3 were awarded certificates jointly by the vice presidents.

This activity offered opportunities for communication and interaction between faculty staff and students and questions from the programme students have also been solved, representing the unique features in Irish cultural education.
