Irish Visa Tutorial Meeting&Group 17 Online Visa Tutorial

更新时间: 2020-03-11 15:44:00     作者:vncvnc     点击量:464

On March 11, 2020, when the epidemic cut off face to face communication, ACEIRELAND Xinxiang office has invited students and their parents from Group 17 of NCI & HBU HRM joint programme to participate in the online Irish visa tutorial meeting.

A total of 46 people attended the meeting. In this meeting, Mr. Zhao Yang from Xinxiang office gave a detail explanation about visa application which students and parents are very concerned about as well as other topics, such as choices after graduation, how to obtain NCI offer, how to prepare the visa application materials, etc. He also answered questions from the students and their parents, which make them more aware of Irish visa processing Procedures and the materials and documents needed for visa application, increasing the communication between visa staff and students and their parents. The meeting enabled the visa office to be clearer about the situation of Group 17 and achieved good results.
